Сценарий фильма "Догма"
The church we have to go to is where? BARTLEBY New ]ersey. The Rededication is in four days. The doors open. They get on. Other people are inside as well. LOKI Our last four days on earth. If I had a dick, I'd go get laid. But we can do the next best thing. BARTLEBY What's that? LOKI Let's kill people. A guy beside Loki reacts. Loki smiles at him as the elevator doors close. OPENING CREDITS Between black cards with white credits there are shots of the OLD MAN from the boardwalk being wheeled into a hospital on a gurney, being treated in the emergeny room, being hooked up to life support system, and finally resting in an intensive care wing. EXT ST. STEPHEN'S PARISH - DAY The church sits on a grassy knoll in Mc Henry - a suburb of Chicago. Some kids tear by on bikes and egg it. OC PRIEST The greater Illinois chapter of the Right to Life foundation will be holding it's bi-annual softball game against the Cook County Pro-Choice league next Sunday at two. INT ST. STEPHEN'S PARISH - DAY The PRIEST speaks from the lectern, addressing semi-filled rows of the faithful. PRIEST Those who find the weekly demonstration outside of the Twelfth Street Planned Parenthood Clinic hard to make due to work schedules are urged to show their support in the fight against the thoughtless and wanton destruction of life by cheering on our boys on the field. Refreshments. as always, will be served. Dollying down the rows while the Priest rattles on. we pass the parishoners. Some listen intently, others are nodding off. One surreptitiously listens to a Walk-man; a man and a woman quietly argue while their kid colors in a coloring book, going off the page and marking the pew; two kids play cards; one guy leafs through a copy of Hustler hidden by his hymnal book. OC PRIEST Today's second collection will be donated to the John Doe Jersey Life Fund. For those of you who haven't been following the news, an unidentified homeless man who was accosted and severely beaten at the New Jersey shore last Tuesday lies in critical but stable condition in one of that area's hospitals. He lacks identification and police have had no luck in tracking down any possible family. While he shows no signs of recovery, the Arch-Bishop of the Trenton Diocese has disputed the state's decision to remove the indigent man from life support systems, asking that Catholics all over the country join in this protest against Euthanasia. And finally - will whoever keeps parking in my spot, stop doing that. Thank you. Now, please rise for the recession of faith. We believe in one God, the father... As the congregation flatly joins in the prayer, we stop on BETHANY - a beautiful twenty-something woman who struggles to stay awake. She checks her watch and exhales softly. OC VOICE I don't really want to be here. ENT PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC - DAY A small gaggle of signcarrying RIght-to-Lifer's march in front of the sterile looking building. OC VOICE But then again, I guess nobody ever does... except maybe you. INT BETHANY'S OFFICE - DAY The source of the voice - a GIRL - sits beside Bethany's desk, stretching out her gum. Bethany offers her an understanding smile. GIRL You know, I've done this three times now; and each time the counselor tells me I should be more careful in the future, I should show' some responsibility. Gotta tell you, though - this is the first time the counselor wasn't some ugly as hell old bitch. It's kind of hard to take abortion advice from a woman who's too gross to get laid in the first place. BETHANY I'm not here to lecture you - I'm here to make sure you really want to go through with this. GIRL I'd rather go back to that night when my idiot bovfriend swore up and down he was sterile. Short of that, there aren't many choices left, now are there? BETHANY Ever think about having it? GIRL (beat) What woman doesn't on some level. BETHANY I never did. GIRL (incredulous) You had an abortion? BETHANY (lights a smoke) My first year in college. All through high school, I'd dated the same guy - Walter Flanagan. We were really in love, right? So much so. that we decided to go Carnegie Mellon together... that's this college in Pittsburgh. So there we are -away at school, and there's suddenly no parents to worry about anymore, so we're screwing like rabbits - just constanly doing it. And I wound up getting pregnant. So he begs me to have it. He says we should quit school and get married, and I'm telling him that that'lI screw up our educations. We fought about it for a week - my arguement being there was no rush to have kids, you know? We could always have a baby in a couple of years - after school. So I got the abortion against his wishes... I mean, what the hell - it was my body, right? After graduation, we got married and immediately set about trying to have kids. We tried like hell for the first six months, and... nothing. So I went to a gynocologist to see if everything was okay on my end. (beat) It wasn't. (takes a drink) My uteran wall had this fissure. It seems that the doctor who performed the procedure on me years before had somehow botched it. I'd never be able to have a child. The Girl's face says it all. Bethany takes a drag and continues. BETHANY So there I am - devastated. And now I have to go home to break the news to my husband who years before had begged me to have the baby - his baby. And after I explain it to him through my tears, he sits on the couch and rubs his eyes. And in the calmest, most rational voice I've ever heard anybody use in my life, he asks me for a divorce. And I fought him, you know? I tried to talk him out of it; told him there were alternatives - like we could adopt. And all he said was he wanted a wife who could have his children. GIRL (beat) What happened? BETHANY He remarried. He had two kids in two years with his new wife. We never spoke again. And now I do this. GIRL That's like... such a sad story. BETHANY I dated this guy a year or two ago - he was really into comic books. He told me I had the stock superhero story -I wanted to prevent a wrong that had happened to me from ever happening to anyone else. Kind of like Batman, he said. The only difference is I don't put on tights to do it... unless all my other clothes are in the wash. (smiles and puts out her smoke) So... let's go over your paperwork. EXT CLINIC - DAY A well-dressed LIZ maneuvers through the small thrall of Right-to-lifer's. They shake their placards at her accusingly. PROTESTOR 1 You should be ashamed of yourself! PROTESTOR 2 Child killer! LIZ (looking over their shoulders) HOLY SHIT!! IT'S THE POPE!! As the thrall turns excitedly in an effort try to spy the imaginary pontiff, Liz ducks inside the clinic. INT CLINIC COFFEE ROOM - DAY A NEWSPAPER HEADLINE fills the frame - "CHURCH SAYS NO TO DEATH OF JOHN DOE". It's lowered to reveal Bethany, reading. Liz enters and hangs up her coat. LIZ Jesus! You're a Catholic, aren't you? Can't you talkto them or something? BETHANY They hate me more than you, no doubt. At least you have an excuse - you're ]ewish, you don't know any better. LIZ I don't think they'd accept that one - we already used it as our excuse for killing Christ. So where were you yesterday morning - a bunch of us went out for brunch? BETHANY I went to church. LIZ That kills me. You and church. We work in a field that specializes in pissing off the cloth and you add insult to injury by breaking bread with them every week. BETHANY I sit there every Sunday and I feel nothing. I can remember sitting in church when I was a kid and being moved - like everything meant something, like I was important. And the stories of all these holy people were so inspiring. Now I sit there and think about my checking, and what I'm going to wear to work the next day. LIZ So then why do you still go? BETHANY (beat) You wouldn't believe me if I told you. LIZ You think I'm going to mock your religious beliefs? We're friends, Bethany - I may mock you for being a divorce' at twenty five who's never had an orgasm, but I'd never mock you for having faith. BETHANY That's just it - I don't. I don't think I have any faith left. LIZ (making coffee) I had a girl in here once - 'bout fifteen. She told me that faith is like a glass of water. When you're young, the glass is full, and it's easy to fill up. But the older you get, the bigger the glass gets, and the same amount of water doesn't fill the glass anymore. Periodically, the glass has to be refilled. BETHANY A fifteen year old who came in here said that? LIZ She had gotten knocked up by her pastor. BETHANY Jesus! See? A minister knocks up a teenager -isn't anyone afraid of the Lord's wrath anymore? LIZ That would require faith, and that commodity lately seems reserved only for the psychotic zealots that hang around outside. (collects her things to leave) So what are you doing tonight? BETHANY Watching T.V. LIZ Girl, you need a man. If only for ten minutes. BETHANY It's been my experience that the average male is never a man - not even for ten minutes in his entire life span. LIZ Uh-oh - that sounds militant. You thinking of joining the other side? BETHANY Couldn't do it. Women are insane. LIZ Then girl, you better get back to church and ask God for a third option. BETHANY I think God is dead. LIZ The sign of a true Catholic. Liz exits with her coffee. Bethany stares after her. INT A QUAINT SUBURBAN HOME - DAY The Stygian Triplets kneel on one knee before a high-backed leather chair, upon which Sits a shadowy figure who we see from behind. They appear to be in a den or library. SHADOWY FIGURE All proceeds according to plan. No doubt, the powers will attempt to contact the Last Scion. You know where she is. She must be elliminated befoie she enters the frav. When she is negated, there will be nothing to interfere with our plan. Shuffle her loose her mortal coil, that we may obtain our final glory. (beat) Go. The Stygian Triplets rise and skate off. INT BETHANY'S KITCHIEN - NIGHT The fridge door opens and Bethany glances around inside. She pulls out a chocolate cake and closes the door. |